Friday, October 30, 2020

Chillagoe Rail Bike Adventures


                                                                                                                                                                                                      This is a proposed concept for a unique project
that will increase tourism interest and visitation in Chillagoe. The infrastructure for the project is already in place and the railway line between Chillagoe and Calcifer is in fair condition and wouldn't need to much work to make it suitable for this project. Along with the cave tours it will encourage visitors to stay in Chillagoe longer and promote overnight stays. The road when sealed will also make it more attractive to 2 WD and caravan visitors. This web site is only a draught to give people an idea of what is proposed. Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this page. Together we can make Chillagoe a place that has a viable business future that will benefit the town.          Hans Van Veluwen
Come and join us for a Rail Bike Adventure in Chillagoe, North Queensland, Australia. A 3 hour adventure along one of the most historic railway lines in Australia where you will experience a unique ride along a railway track using a purpose built pedal powered rail bike along 20 KLM of historic railway line. Learn about the history of this special place as well as the mineral rich geology that attracted the early miners. This experience is suitable for all ages.The Rail Bikes can carry up to 4 people and is family friendly and an affordable experience.To the best of our knowledge this is the only Rail Bike Experience  on mainland Australia.

Miles of Smiles

Video below will give you an idea of what it's all about....this is a business in of many successful rail bike businesses overseas. There is nothing like this on  mainland Australia. There is one in Tasmania.

Click on pic below to see the concept in Tasmania

click on the pic below


Proposed national geotourism strategy and mining heritage Angus M. Robinson Leisure Solutions®, 10 William Street, Turramurra NSW 2074, Australia  Geotourism,  a holistic  form of  nature-based  tourism, is  a  significant  emerging  and growing global phenomenon.  Geotourism focuses on an area's geology  and landscape as the basis for providing visitor  engagement, learning and enjoyment'.  Geotourism is increasingly seen  as a valuable tool for regional development. Geotourism focuses on an area's geology and landscape as  the  basis  for  providing  visitor  engagement,  learning  and  enjoyment'.  It  has  links  with adventure tourism, cultural tourism and ecotourism,  but is not synonymous with any  of these forms of tourism, although in broad terms it embraces them all. In summary, geotourism:  •  adds  considerable  content  value  to  traditional  nature-based  tourism  (the  primary motivator  of  travel  to  Australia) as  well  as cultural  tourism,  inclusive of  indigenous tourism,  thus completing  the  holistic  embrace  of  ‘A’  (abiotic  –landscape and  geology) plus  ‘B’  (biotic)  plus  ‘C’  (culture)  aspects.    It  empathises  an  approach  of  increasing interest to protected area  managers.

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